We create smart products.

We are a technology company in constant expansion, dedicated to designing solutions that seek to drive the digital transformation of our clients through scientific knowledge and technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Data Analysis (Big Data), Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and Web Apps. Founded in 2021 and headquartered in one of the most modern industrial complexes in the interior of São Paulo, in the Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto-SP, IA SENSE has extensive infrastructure and state-of-the-art technological resources. In addition, the founders, Jean de Groote (CTO) and Diego Moraes (COO), are highly qualified researchers and PhDs, with over 20 years of experience working with Artificial Intelligence and 14 years with Computer Vision.
During this journey serving public and private institutions, innovative solutions were produced for various areas such as livestock and precision agriculture, industry, civil construction, medical and pharmaceutical laboratories, educational institutions, among others. In addition to its own products and solutions, IA SENSE also offers customized solution development services for clients from various sectors. In this sense, we highlight as a successful case our work with Take and Go, a hyper convenience startup that, through the application of Computer Vision and AI, today carries out autonomous beverage sales in more than 3,000 points throughout Brazil, and has even exported this technology .At the end of 2023, partner Éder de Paula joined IA SENSE, becoming the new CEO. His experience with strategic planning, business management, contracts and industrial works has driven a new phase of growth and development for our company.

Strategic Guidelines


Innovate to improve human life and conserve the environment.


Provide innovative and sustainable solutions based on artificial intelligence, computer vision and data analysis technologies.


Conduct applied scientific research and develop technological innovations for precision agriculture, aiming at disruptive advances in the control of agricultural pests.


Integrity: we prioritize commitment to good practices, transparency and ethics in all our operations, especially valuing human rights, inclusion, equity and diversity, as well as adopting measures to protect and preserve the data of people and organizations that participate in the sustainable and responsible development of our businesses and technologies.

Expertise: we ensure technical and scientific excellence in our work, valuing and continually improving our professionals to guarantee the development of products and services with differentials in quality, performance and user experience..

Innovation: we embrace innovation as a strategic pillar and encourage research and experimentation of new ways of applying emerging technologies, aiming to solve complex challenges and drive the development of the organizations and communities where we operate..

Impact: we always seek to have a positive and significant impact on all stakeholders in our activities, generating long-term value with operations aligned with environmental, social and corporate governance principles.

Adaptability: we appreciate new challenges and the importance of adapting technologies and solutions to the specific needs of each sector, client or demand, to sustain the relevance and effectiveness of our solutions in diverse and constantly evolving environments.

Our differences

High-Level Research Team: Our team is made up of highly qualified researchers with extensive knowledge in computer vision and artificial intelligence, ensuring innovative and effective solutions.

Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: We collaborate with academic institutions and other technology companies to bring the best in innovation and practical application to our clients.

Dedicated Support and Follow-up: We offer ongoing support and post-implementation follow-up to ensure that our solutions fully meet customer expectations and needs.

Reliability and Security: We prioritize data security in accordance with the General Data Protection Law - LGPD, and the reliability of our solutions, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of our customer's information.

Pioneering Research and Development: We develop products and services based on the latest scientific discoveries, staying at the forefront of technology.

Easy Integration with Existing Systems: Our solutions are designed to easily integrate with companies' existing systems and platforms, minimizing implementation time and additional costs.

Focus on Humanizing Technology: Our goal is to make artificial intelligence and technology more accessible and user-friendly, putting the human experience and needs at the center of our solutions.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: We are committed to sustainable and responsible practices, aiming for a positive impact on society and the environment.

Superior Delivery Quality: Commitment to rigorous quality standards at every stage of our processes, from development to final delivery.

Continuous Innovation: We are constantly innovating and updating our products and services to keep up with technological developments and offer the best on the market.

Customized and Efficient Solutions: We understand the unique needs of each client and offer tailored solutions that maximize efficiency and accuracy.

Our Leaders

Our team is highly qualified and has over 30 years of experience developing solutions with artificial intelligence and related areas.

Éder de Paula, CEO
Social Scientist (UNESP), specialist in business administration (USP), with experience in strategic planning, business management, contract management and industrial works.

Diego Moraes, COO
PhD in Computer Vision (USP), researcher in AI and Image Processing since 2012, with experience in agile project management, Head of R&D and Head of AI.

Jean de Groote, CTO
Post-doctorate in Physics (Yale, USP and UNESP), researcher in AI and Quantum Physics since 1990, with experience in Big Data, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

Eliandra Pita, CHRO
Psychologist, postgraduate in people management, has been providing services in the areas of human resources, occupational health and psychotherapy for 18 years.

Marcelo Bidoia, Head of innovation
Master's degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), he has experience in web/app management and development and creation of innovation strategies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does SENSE AI develop?

IA SENSE is a technology company focused on developing cutting-edge solutions in Artificial Intelligence, Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Analysis (Big Data), Cloud Computing (Cloud, APIs and SaaS), Internet of Things (IoT), application development (APPs), website creation (Web Design), RPA (robotization and process automation) and emerging technologies, such as blockchain.

Does the company offer customized solutions?

Yes, IA SENSE offers customized solutions to the specific needs of each client in areas such as industry, agribusiness or services. Our development process begins with a detailed analysis of the client's objectives and needs, followed by the proposal of customized solutions that integrate artificial intelligence, computer vision, application development, web page creation and automation of repetitive processes through RPAs and robotization.

How much does it cost and how long does it take to develop artificial intelligence?

The cost and time required to develop an artificial intelligence solution can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project, the quantity and quality of data available for training the artificial intelligence, and the need for integration with existing systems. At IA SENSE, each project is unique, and we investigate your needs to develop a personalized estimate of the time and costs involved in the project sought.

To better understand the costs of one of our solutions, contact our team for a no-obligation conversation.

How does SENSE AI minimize risks in innovative projects?

To ensure success and reduce risks in innovative projects, we divide development into three main phases: POC (Proof of Concept), MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and Final Product. This approach allows IA SENSE to move forward safely, adapting to customer needs while minimizing the financial and technological risks associated with developing innovations.

What is a POC (proof of concept)?

A Proof of Concept (PoC) is an early stage in the development of a technological solution, the purpose of which is to demonstrate the technical feasibility of a specific idea or concept that will be implemented in a project. In the context of the services offered by IA SENSE, a POC is particularly important for projects involving the development of artificial intelligence and computer vision.

Because it has a limited scope, the POC is a way to validate technical concepts and reduce risks, creating a baseline scenario for investment decisions and obtaining early feedback, which can be essential to adjust the direction of the project before entering deeper development phases.

What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a strategy used in product development, especially in innovative projects, that aims to test, validate and refine a business idea with the least possible effort and investment. The goal of the MVP is to create a version of the product that has only the essential features to satisfy the initial needs of users and solve their most critical problems, allowing the company to collect valuable feedback quickly and efficiently.

What is a Final Product?

A Final Product is the evolution of the MVP after several iterations of feedback, testing, and refinements. It is a more complete and refined version of the product, incorporating not only the core functionality identified during the MVP phase, but also a broader range of features and improvements designed to fully meet the needs and expectations of users. This product is robust, scalable, and ready to be launched in the market. Here the focus is on:

Complete Functionality: Integrating all planned functionalities that were validated during the MVP phase, ensuring that the product effectively meets all user needs.

Quality and Performance: Ensuring that the product is of high quality and reliable, providing an exceptional user experience.

Scalability: Preparing the product to meet an increasing number of demands, ensuring that it can grow without compromising the performance of the solution.

User Experience (UX): Refining the user interface and interaction to ensure that the product is intuitive, pleasant and easy to use.

Compliance and Security: Complying with all relevant regulations and ensuring that the product is safe for users, protecting their data and privacy.

When launching the Final Product, IA SENSE not only seeks to meet market expectations, but also to exceed them, offering innovative solutions that add real value to our customers.

Which are the phases of a project life cycle?

The development of a project at IA SENSE follows a structured and phased process, ensuring the delivery of effective and personalized solutions. Here are the main phases.

Analysis and Understanding of Needs: This initial phase involves a deep understanding of the client's objectives, the challenges to be faced and the needs of the project. We hold meetings with stakeholders to gather requirements, understand the business context and identify key success indicators.

Planning and Proposal: Based on the information collected, we develop a detailed plan that includes the scope of the project, strategies to be adopted, technologies to be used, estimated schedule and budget.

Design and Prototyping (POC): This phase involves the Proof of Concept (POC) in which the initial designs and prototypes are created, allowing a preliminary visualization of the solution. This includes the architecture of the solution, design of interfaces (for applications or web pages), and the development of functional prototypes when applicable.

Development and Coding: This is the phase in which the actual construction of the solution takes place. It includes activities such as setting up the development environment, programming, development of artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms, and the integration of systems and databases.

Testing and Quality: After development, the solution goes through a rigorous series of tests to ensure that it is working as expected. This includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing, to identify and fix bugs and ensure the quality of the final product.

Deployment and Integration: The solution is then deployed to the client’s environment. This may include installing software, configuring servers, and integrating with existing systems.

Training and Support: We provide customized training for client teams, ensuring that they can effectively utilize the new solution. In addition, we provide ongoing support to resolve any issues that may arise and ensure the solution is maintained.

Evaluation and Feedback: Finally, we conduct an evaluation of the project to ensure that the objectives were met and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement and plan for future iterations or updates that may be required.

What happens if the POC goal is not achieved?

If the goal of a Proof of Concept (PoC) is not achieved, at IA SENSE we treat this as a valuable opportunity to learn and adjust. The process is conducted in a way that maximizes the value extracted from each step. Here are the steps we typically follow in such a scenario: 1) detailed analysis; 2) reporting of results; 3) reassessment of strategies; 4) focus on learning and continuous improvement; 5) adjustment of expectations; 6) joint decision.

Project guarantee: if the goal has not been achieved and the decision is made to abandon the project, the company guarantees that the client will be exempt from paying any costs, covering what has been developed.

Why does IA SENSE adopt Agile Development and what are its advantages over the traditional model?

At IA SENSE, we chose Agile Development because of its superior ability to adapt quickly to changes, foster closer collaboration between teams and customers, and deliver value continuously and efficiently. This approach contrasts with the traditional project development model, known for its sequential and rigid processes, which often result in slower deliveries that are less flexible to market and customer demands. The main advantages of Agile Development over the traditional model include:

Flexibility and Adaptation: Unlike the traditional model, which follows a fixed plan, agile allows for rapid adjustments at any stage of the project, adapting to new needs and challenges as they arise. This significantly increases the relevance and value of the final product for the customer.

Continuous Delivery of Value: While the traditional model often waits until the project is fully completed to deliver the product, agile focuses on the continuous delivery of functional parts of the product, providing immediate benefits and allowing for adjustments based on real user feedback.

Collaboration and Communication: Agile promotes constant interaction between the development team and customers, in contrast to the more limited communication of the traditional model. This ensures that customer expectations are fully understood and met, increasing satisfaction and trust.

Rapid Response to Change: In a rapidly evolving business environment, the ability to respond and adapt to change is crucial. Agile offers this flexibility, while the traditional model can become obsolete before the project is even delivered.

Focus on Customer and Value: By placing customer needs at the center of the development process, agile ensures that the final product is more aligned with what the market really wants and needs, unlike the traditional model, which is often more oriented towards compliance with pre-defined specifications than generating real value for the end user.

At IA SENSE, we believe that Agile Development is not just a work methodology, but a commitment to excellence, innovation and customer satisfaction. Through this approach, we are able to overcome the limits of traditional development, delivering solutions that not only meet, but exceed our customers’ expectations.

What happens to the intellectual property rights on products developed by IA SENSE?

At IA SENSE, the issue of intellectual property rights on the products developed is handled with clarity and transparency, being defined in a personalized manner for each project, according to the terms agreed with the client. Here are the general principles and possibilities that guide the company's intellectual property policy.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: Regardless of the specific intellectual property details, IA SENSE is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of project information and not disclosing any trade secrets or project details without proper authorization.

Client Property: The products developed are the sole property of the client, especially when the project is fully funded by the client and developed according to their specifications.

Technology Licensing: In situations where IA SENSE provides proprietary technology or contributes significant intellectual property to the project, a licensing model may be chosen. In this case, the license terms, including usage rights, exclusivity and any royalties, are defined in the contract.

Shared Ownership: There are projects where the intellectual property may be shared between IA SENSE and the client. This usually occurs in joint development collaborations, where both parties contribute significant resources, knowledge or technology.

+ 21K hours

of project development

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